Understanding nutrition was half my battle when it came to my weight loss;
Finally understanding that diets were a short term fix -
and therefore got short term results
- was an absolute game changer for me.
But my weight STILL fluctuates.
And I’m finally ok with that.
No, that doesn’t mean I look in the mirror every day and feel amazing.
It means I have so much more compassion towards myself.
Instead of thinking “eurgh, my thighs feel huge”
I think “I’ve been inside a lot more than usual this year, and my thighs are feeling the lack of normal day-to-day movement. Maybe I could go for a walk tomorrow”
Being less judgemental and much more logical helps me to make changes from a place of love.
Instead of thinking, “My favourite skinny jeans look gross”
I think “my jeans don’t feel as comfortable as usual, time to invest in a new pair... maybe I’ll try and new style for now”
It’s about understanding that your body has changed, therefore your clothes & style might too.
You have to realise that your body WILL NOT stay the same forever.
Just like your circumstances.
And, just like a beautiful bunch of flowers!
So here’s 3 ways to stop slamming your body - no matter your weight:
1️⃣ Remove harsh judgment
- Speak to yourself like you’d speak to a friend and be real!
- Be less judgmental and more logical (remove the emotion)
- Remember, if you don’t like something, you have the power to change it but that change MUST come from a place of love, not hate.
2️⃣ Remember your body will ALWAYS change, and therefore so will your clothes
- Use that time to get excited about new clothes & styles
- You will not be the exact same weight every single day, get comfortable knowing that
3️⃣ Understand your weight DOES NOT represent your worth or your health
- No, your friends will not judge you
- Yes, you are the same person & so is your worth
- Yes, you can still be “overweight” on the BMI scale a be healthy
I’ve never seen a client successfully reach her goal through a place of hate.
So get used to being kind.
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